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Friday, 20 April 2018

Advance Innovation Group Helps You to Understand Histogram

Histogram is a graphical summary of variation in a set of data. We use Histogram to study centering and variation of the process. Along with that Advance Innovation Group will help you understand couple of more information given by Histogram. The first information Histogram will give you about the shape of the data. It will help you to understand whether your data is in normal shape or not. Secondly, It will help you to understand whether your data is skewed or not. And if it is skewed the is it positive skewness or negative skewness in your data towards left or right and ultimately it will give you idea of peak. It will also give you idea whether your process has just one peak or multiple peaks.

In Histogram X-axis are the measurements and Y-axis are the frequency. Each vertical bar represents an interval of data, or a category of data. All bars are adjacent and will not overlap since they represent a certain interval (group) of measurements at a specified frequency. Bars are called Bins and Bins means interval. Advance Innovation Group helps you draw and interpret a Histogram in Minitab. We go to: Graph – Histogram – where we have 4 options. 1) Simple, 2) With Fit, 3) With Outline with groups, and 4) With Fit and Groups.

Difference between 1 and 2: In with Fit option you can see Histogram with fitted bell curve that will help you to understand that how close to normal your distribution is. Bell Curve will be added in 2nd option.

Simple – Graphs – Histogram – Simple – In “Graph Variable” option select “Sales” (what you want to see) – OK

1.Simple: We use Simple option when we want to draw Histogram of one subgroup or say one process or we can say when we have only one Y. For example I want to draw a Histogram of “Sales in Delhi” or “Sales in Mumbai” or “Sales in Noida”, so in “Group Variables” column select data of your interest like “Delhi Sales” and you can go to “Scale” in “Reference Line” Tab you can put your target like 10,000 then click OK.

2.Histogram With Fit and Group: We choose this option if we want to compare two histograms with each other and with Bell Curve. If we don’t want to compare two or more histogram with Bell Curve (If we want to compare only two Histogram with each other) then we choose (With Outline and Groups) option. Like Male/Female Sales.

Thus Advance Innovation Group helps you in using Minitab to conduct and interpret one of the most important 7 QC tool – Histogram, similarly, there are several others tools that you will be exposed to in your training program for analyzing and interpreting data.


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