“You don’t need to push through a Sale, if your product / service is good enough – Sale will happen without any efforts”
Unlike other institutions, we strictly condemn forced selling because we don’t need to, as we have a proven track record of hundreds of satisfied & successfully placed students.
The era of CSAT is an outdated theme; it’s all about “Customer Delight” now which leads to the new concept of “Net Promoter Score” (NPS). In coming years, this is what will keep you in business during the cut throat competition. It’s not about what best you can offer, it’s all about what your customer wants. We have been practicing this concept of “Net Promoter Score” since inception & as a result of which 83% of our business is based on referral.
Let me help you understand the concept of NPS. If I offer services to 100 people, how many out of 100 where actually satisfied by our services (this is what we call CSAT). Taking this further to the next level brings NPS concept in picture. How many out of the satisfied customer did refer your services decide your NPS because they were delighted by your services.
Our students who are satisfied with our services refer us proactively out of delight to their friends & family members. Most of students opt for the next level or any additional training at Advance Innovation Group as a result of the quality of services offered to them.
Our corporate clients have been our clients since inception & have been giving us repeat orders. We get referrals from our existing clients. Few big names in the market are: Thomson Digital, FDDI, MINDA, SYSCOM, Tecumseh, Air India, Mother Dairy, Hero and the list is long….
All this talks about the quality of services offered at Advance Innovation Group & sheer focus on “Customer Delight” to promote “Net Promoter Score”. Looking at the staggering number of 83% of NPS we are happy but we are still concerned about remaining 17% who were satisfied but didn’t recommend us. We are continuously working towards attaining the goal of 100% wherein we are targeting 100% customers turn into 100% satisfied customers who in turn do 100% referral proactively because they are delighted with our services.
The core management at Advance Innovation Group is committed to bring in a change in terms of how people perceive customer satisfaction. We are inching forward everyday to change the rule of the game, to define new limits, new definitions of training & consulting. We are open to feedback & would like to encourage our students, our clients or any one in general to give us feedback about our services or let us know what you like about us or what changes you would like to be done in our existing approach.
Looking forward to serve you ever so efficiently in future.
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